Welcome to Math 1152Q: Honors Calculus II, this Fall 2018!
Today is
Thursday, March 13, 2025.
Actual Schedule
See also UConn Calendar for Fall 2018 for important deadlines and other dates.
Office hours
CURRENT: Week 15 (Dec 3 – 7)
- Tue
- TH
- Fri group mini exam
- Each group is allowed one laptop (for using Desmos and other computing tools) and a fact sheet
- Practice exercises involving the following:
- solving separable differential equations (Sec 9.3), not from salt mixture and population growth models
- converting between Cartesian and polar (Sec 10.3), then computing the area or a region using polar coordinates and an integral (Sec 10.4)
- definition of Taylor series and using Table 1 (Sec 11.10), not approximation questions
Handed out:
Past: Week 14 ( Nov 26 – 30)
Handed out:
Past: Week 13 (Thanksgiving recess Nov 18 – 24)
Past: Week 12 (Nov 12 – 16)
Handed out:
Past: Week 11 (Nov 5 – 9)
- Tue Election Day
- TH If it’s convenient, please bring a laptop on TH
- Highly Recommended HW exercises in class handouts from Tue, see also quiz study guide
- Fri
Handed out:
- Tue
- TH
- Sec 10.1 Curves defined by parametric equations, stapled together:
- HW Sec 10.1 6 problems, color
- Lectured page 1 of Sec 10.2 part 1 tangent, concavity, area, stapled together:
Past: Week 10 (Oct 29 – Nov 2)
Exam 2 topics:
Sec 4.4 Review (Technically not part of Calc 2 but you need this to do Calc 2 computation),
Sec 7.1 Integration by parts,
Sec 7.8 Improper Integrals,
Sec 11.3 Integral Test and Estimates of Sum,
Sec 11.5 Alternating Series Estimation Theorem,
Sec 11.8 Power series,
Sec 11.9 Representations of functions as power series
Handed out:
Past: Week 9 (Oct 22 – 26)
- Tue
- Due Reading HW 11.9, yellow packet
- Due (postponed to Week 9) (In class or on HuskyCT) If your exam score (before adding bonus B) is lower than 85, you may use two tokens to increase your score to at most 84. The extra points would be 20% of the points that you missed. For example, if your original score is 80, then your new score would be 80 + (20% of 20) = 84. Instructions:
- For each of problems 5 and 7-10, if I wrote anything on your paper other than a check mark (even if your score is 10), please submit complete and correct solutions for all parts of the problem.
- Write each problem on a separate sheet. Include the questions on each sheet.
- If one of your solutions are not correct, the points won’t be added (and the tokens won’t be used). You are welcome to come see me to go over the corrections before the due date.
- TH
- Fri
- HW Due HW 11.9, see key, use your own paper
- Review Day
Handed out:
- Tue
- Lecture Notes 11.9: functions as power series slides, handout
- Homework HW 11.8, write on your own paper.
- TH
- Finish computing definite integral using power series (11.9) Notes 11.9: functions as power series slides, handout.
- HW 11.9, see key, use your own paper
- Fri
Past: Week 8 (Oct 15 – 19)
- Tue
- TH
- Fri Quiz Group quiz starting at Problem 2. Practice Week 8 Sample Quiz, see answer key - please inform me of typos or of incomplete or confusing solutions so that I can fix them! Topics are all of Sec 11.3.
Handed out:
Past: Week 7 (Oct 8 – 12)
Handed out:
- Tue
- TH
- Fri
- Go over yellow packet HW 7.8 and key yellow packet before quiz
Past: Week 6 (Oct 1 – 5)
- Tue, Oct 2 exam 1.
- TH
- Fri
Handed out:
- Tue Exam Day
- TH 7.1
- Fri 7.1
Past: Week 5 (Sep 24 – 29)
Handed out:
Past: Week 4 (Sep 17 – 22)
Handed out:
Past: Week 3 (Sep 10 – 15)
- Tue nothing due
- TH
- Fri Quiz. Week 3 quiz sample questions are HW Sec 11.2.
- Due HW Sec 11.2 HW on geometric series, divergence test, harmonic series (yellow packet), in class or on HuskyCT
Handed out:
- Tue
- TH
- Fri
- Lecture Sec 11.2 part 4 tellescoping series, partial fraction decomposition
Past: Week 2 (Sep 3 – 7)
(Monday, September 3 Labor Day)
- Tue nothing due
- TH
- Due Submit (in class or upload PDF scan on HuskyCT) a self-study notes taken while watching these 2 Khan Academy videos:
- Due (Optional): do some Khan Academy practice problems and watch the examples given in the other two videos in this module.
- Fri Quiz. Practice sample questions for week 2 quiz
Handed out:
Past: Week 1 (Aug 27 – 31)
Handed out:
Content credit: Uconn Math 1132 instructors and MAA publications and MAA members, especially S. Chao, T. Chumley, M. Rabideau, F. Tabing, used with thanks