Welcome to Math 3333: Linear Algebra I, this Fall 2020! Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025.
See also OU Calendar for Fall 2020 for important deadlines and other dates.
(Credit: Slides were originally written by Greg Muller and Karen Seyffarth, used with thanks)
Wed, Dec 16 at 10:30am to 12:30pm
Fri In-class quiz
Due Mon December 7 on Gradescope at noon: Week 14/15 Worksheet (individual)
Friday, November 20 is the last day to do an automatic drop for a grade of W via One. Withdrawals this semester will not count toward the overall limit of five withdrawals during a student’s course of study at the university.
(After November 20, petition to the Dean of the student’s College is required.)
Fri Watch and read notes lecture 12b Linear independence, a basis is a linearly independent spanning set
MIDTERM slots during week 7 and 8
MIDTERM slots during week 7 and 8
Due the Mon after week 6 (at noon): Week 6 presentation slides and recording
Suggested practice for lecture 8a (finding eigenvalues): Section 3.3 Exercises 1(b,d,f,h) and 3. In Exercise 3.31, you don’t need to find the matrix P.
Suggested practice for lecture 8b (characteristic polynomials): TBA
Fri Watch or read notes lecture 7b eigenvectors (given a number lambda, find all eigenvectors associated with lambda)
Suggested practice for lecture 6 (check with solution manual and calculator): Section 3.1, Exercise 5 Section 3.2, Exercises 2(b,d,f), 6(b)
Suggested practice for lecture 7a (cofactors): Section 3.1 (The Cofactor expansion, pg 156), Exercise 1(b,d,f,h,j,l,n,p) and 26
Suggested practice for lecture 7b (eigenvectors): None yet
Fri Watch or read notes lecture 6a Determinants
Due Mon Sep 21: Week 4 presentation slides and recording
Fri Watch or read notes lecture 4b Matrix multiplication (properties of matrix arithmetic)
Due Mon Sept 14: Week 2 and 3 Worksheet
Fri Watch or read notes lecture 3b Matrices and Vectors (zero matrix, identity matrix, matrix to vector multiplication)
Due Sun Aug 30: Week 1 Worksheet