Welcome to the Resources Page of 2794W: Mathematics Writing Seminar, this Spring 2020! Today is
Thursday, March 13, 2025.
Sample student papers
- Magical Numbers and Where to Find Them: pdf, source code: .tex, .bib
- Similarities Between Integers and Polynomials: pdf, souce code: .tex, .bib
- Reverse Hex: pdf, .tex, .bib, Hexgraph.png, Hexgraph2.png, Hexgraph3.png, Ygraph.png
- Sample Introduction Activity
Resources for paper topics and references
- TALK SUBSTITUTE Watch both videos : Frieze Patterns made by Numberphile: part 1 and part 2
Speaker: Sergei Tabachnikov at Pennsylvania State University
- Possible topics related to the videos
- Related references:
- 2015 survey article “Coxeter’s frieze patterns at the crossroads of algebra, geometry and combinatorics” by Sophie Morier-Genoud
- 2014 Slides “Weighted walks around dissected polygons — Conway-Coxeter friezes and beyond” by Christine Bessenrodt
- 2006 Slides “The combinatorics of frieze patterns and Markoff numbers” by Jim Propp
- 2018 Slides “Friezes, triangulations, continued fractions, and binary numbers” from a talk I gave
- 1973 “Triangulated Polygons and Frieze Patterns” by John Horton Conway and Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter in The Mathematical Gazette Part 1 (problems), Vol. 57, no. 400, pp. 87–94 and part 2 (solutions), Vol. 57, no. 401, pp. 175–183
- Any Catalan number resources from below would work, since frieze patterns are Catalan objects.
- Wikipedia pages on these topics
- Suggestions?
Week 8 (Wed, March 11) to be updated after the talk
Talk Title and Speaker: Rational Parametrizations by Robert McDonald (Yale, former UConn math student)
- Possible topics related to the talk
Week 7 (Wed, March 4)
Talk Title and Speaker: Fourier Analysis by Alyssa Genschaw (UConn)
- Possible topics related to the talk
- Power series, definition and examples (geometric series, p-series, and power series for exponential, log, trig functions)
- Infinite series (not power series) for certain famous values, like pi, cos(pi/3), sin(pi/3), e, log(2), i.
- Various convergence tests (for example, limit comparison test, divergence test)
- You can connect power series to Week 2 talk topics, using a power series as a generating function for a sequence of positive integers.
- Fourier series, definition and examples
- Applications of Fourier series to science (for example in MRI imaging, signal processing, audio compression)
- Using power series or Fourier series to solve a differential equations (for example, during the talk you saw a Fourier series used to solve a heat equation)
- Laplace transform of a function and its application (for example, to solve a differential equation)
- Fourier transform (the speaker didn’t have time to talk about Fourier transform)
- Using power series or Fourier series to approximate a number or a function
- Suggest a topic
- Some suggested references:
Week 6 (Wed, Feb 26, 2020)
Talk Title and Speaker: Random Harmonic Series by Iddo Ben-Ari (UConn), slides used during the talk
- Possible topics related to the talk
- Application of the Harmonic Series (from Calculus 2) for building a one-sided bridge — references: Stewart’s Calculus book)
- Application of the geometric series, example: fractals such as Sierpinski carpet, L-systems, facts and examples, how they relate to the geometric series
- Condensation test, Dirichlet’s test (for testing convergence of a series)
- Random series, definition, known facts and open questions, examples
- Suggest a topic
- References suggested by the speaker:
- Probability with Martingales by David Williams, physical copy available at the UConn library
- References linked from the speaker’s slides (in pink)
- Additional references:
- Harmonic series application
- A faster way to build an infinite bridge
- Snowflake curve, the Cantor Set, the Sierpinski carpet (and their connection to the geometric series)
- Stewart’s Calculus textbook (8th ed) Problems Plus, Question 5, page 788
- Stewart’s Calculus textbook (8th ed) Section 11.2, Exercise 89, page 718
- Wikipedia entry for fractal, entry for L-system
- Some more fractal topics:
- Fractals, algorithms for creating fractals-like objects like Sierpinski triangle, Sierpinski carpet, Koch curve, and L-systems
- Dragon curves
- Fractals in Computer Science
- Others (talk to me first)
- Some more fractal references:
Week 5 (Wed, Feb 19, 2020)
Week 4 (Wed, Feb 12, 2020)
Week 3 (Wed, Feb 5, 2020) suggested references
Talk: How to Win at Hat Guessing by Nate Eldredge (U of Northern Colorado, currently visiting UConn)
Notes used by the speaker: the speaker discussed several strategies to maximize the probability of guessing hats (two colors) correctly for finitely many players (first using volunteers), then for infinitely many players; speaker skipped the Blue-eyed islanders puzzle due to lack of time.
References suggested by the speaker, start with An introduction to infinite hat problems by Hardin and Taylor
- Some possible topics (for a short paper or a section in the final paper):
- Strategies for other guessing games, see below for references
- Write an explanation and solution to Blue Eyes puzzle
- Suggestions are welcome?
- Recreational math references:
- Popular culture references:
Week 2 (Wed, Jan 29, 2020) suggested references
Writing convention
AMS Style Guide (PDF)
Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Mathematics
Writing proofs
Advice on Mathematical Writing by K. Conrad
Examples of proofs by induction by K. Conrad
For research papers How to write a clear math paper: some 21st century tips
Jobs requiring math skills
Math students, connect with prospective employers here: MAA Career Resource Center
Use CamScanner app or another scan app to scan your hand-written homework into PDF.