Past quizzes

In-class Quiz 0

In-class Quiz 1 (Wed, Sep 23, 2020)

There will be one “free” question (for showing up) and four linear algebra questions. The linear algebra questions are designed so that you don’t need to use a calculator (although calculators may be used).

Study Guide

Individual quiz

In order to take this in-class quiz, you must be present on Zoom, with a camera on. You have until 8:38am or 15 minutes, whichever is earlier.

Group quiz

(You are encouraged to take the group quizzes, but they are technically optional. At the end of the semester, if your group quiz average is lower than your individual quiz average, the group quizzes will not be part of your grade.)

QUIZ 2 (Wed, Nov 11)

Based on Lecture 9b, 10, 11 (not 12)

The computation questions will be designed so that you don’t need to use a calculator (although calculators may be used).

Study Guide

Individual quiz

In order to take this in-class quiz, you must be present on Zoom, with a camera on. You have until 8:38am or 15 minutes, whichever is earlier. If the quiz closes before you save an answer, you can send me a message on chat right away with your answer.

Group quiz

(You are encouraged to take the group quizzes, but they are technically optional. At the end of the semester, if your group quiz average is lower than your individual quiz average, the group quizzes will not be part of your grade.)