If you receive a mark other than E
(excellent), you quiz is not complete. You can change every mark to an E
by submitting a written correction of just that particular problem.
If you are not sure, you can ask me either during the designated office hour (or by appointment) or after class.
An m
(meets expectation) will turn into an E
with a complete correction. (No Calculus token needed).
An R
or N
will turn into an E
after the following: you submit a correction (or an attempt) and then go over similar examples with me outside of class. If we both think you are ready, you retake the quiz during the designated quiz retake time. Depending on the number of questions that you need to retake, this will be either an oral or written quiz. (Retaking a quiz costs one Calculus token.) The correction and meeting take place the week that the quizzes are returned.
If you receive an m
(almost meets expectation) on …
No. 1a. See first two pages of Section 2.5
No. 2. Your final answer is correct, but you need to justify each step. Explain where you would need to use the Theorem 7 (pg 699). Your step-by-step computation should look like Example 9 pg 699 or the model solutions.
No. 3. Your equation L = m + 1/L
is correct. Your final answer is either correct or almost correct (there should be one final answer, which is a positive numner). Explain briefly using limit notation how you get to the equation L = m + 1/L
. Follow just the very last paragraph of Example 14 solution (page 703) or ask me.
No. 4. Your closed-form formula, indexing, and computation are perfect. In addition to the correct computation, you might have written statements that are incorrect or your work is difficult to follow. A few common errors: not using equal signs correctly, writing the infinite sum notation incorrectly, writing the partial sum notation incorrectly, writing the limit notation incorrectly. Follow Example 4 pg 710 for explaining your work.
If you receive an R
or N
on the following question, see also the page references listed above for the appropriate number. In addition, please attempt these similar problems before you come to me to go over them and retake the quiz.
No. 1. Memorize all three vocabulary words from the sample quiz: continuity at a point (Sec 2.5), convergence of a sequence (Def 1 or 2 on page 696), and infinite limit (Def 5 on page 670 or write: bn can be made as large as we want for sufficiently large n).
No. 2. Read Theorem 7 pg 699. Practice the following: Sec 11.1 Example 9 page 699, WebAssign no. 4, Sec 11.1 exercises 29 and 34 page 704 (check your answer with WolframAlpha).
No. 3. Study the computation on the last paragraph of page 703 (solution to Example 14). Practice computing the limits (you can assume without proof that each sequence is convergent) for: Sec 11.1 exercises 70b, 79, 80b, 81, 83b (hint: all of them can be solved with a linear equality or quadratic equality at the end).
No. 4. Study Examples 3, 4, and 6 pages 710-711 before retaking the quiz. Practice these geometric series questions Sec 11.2 exercises 3, 9, 12, 17, 18, 23, 25, 28, and 31 pages 715-716. WebAssign Sec 11.1 no. 1. WebAssign Sec 11.2 no. 3, 7.