1152Q: Honors Calculus II
Instructor: Emily Gunawan
** Office hours: see office hours, located at Monteith Bldg, room MONT 402 or the undergraduate open lounge next door
**Instructor’s schedule: See instructor’s regular schedule here
Class location: Laurel Hall 109
Meeting times: MWF 9:25-10:40
Course website: http://egunawan.github.io/fall17
Course Piazza: https://piazza.com/class/j8qqq4kj6g61pb
Textbook: Calculus: Early Transcendentals by James Stewart (8th Edition)
Info for ordering the text and WebAssign code
This course is designed to extend our knowledge of calculus in several directions. We will explore infinite sequences and series, and develop further techniques and applications of calculus, especially integration. We’ll cover similar topics as MATH 1132Q, with emphasis on the underlying mathematical concepts and reasoning.
Calculus Tokens are fake currency which may be spent on quiz retakes and make-ups, and late submissions.
Purpose | Token cost |
Make-up a quiz at a later date within a week (due to illness, university-sponsored activities, oversleeping, or any reason) | 1 token |
Retake a quiz | 1 token |
Submit a late take-home problem set within 48 hours of deadline | 1 token |
Almost every Friday, I will give a quiz at the beginning of class.
All the quizzes (combined) are worth as much as the final exam, so think of each one as a mini-test.
Each will receive one of these scores. Only E
counts as a passing grade.
A rubric will be provided for what each score means, for example, if your work is complete and correct except for a missing explanation or computational error, you would likely earn a M
. Each score roughly translates to the following:
- excellent, with trivial error if anyM
- almost meets expectationsR
- partial understanding is shown, but revision is requiredN
- not assessibleYou may change a M
to a E
by submitting written explanations for where you went wrong and a correct solution one week after the first-attempt is returned. This correction work is open-book and you can consult anyone including the instructor.
If you miss a quiz for any reason or if you earn a score of R
or N
, you may use one token to take a similar quiz outside of class.
To be offered a retake,
you must first come talk to me to correct your errors and go over similar problems.
Your second attempt typicaly must be within one week of the class receiving their first graded attempts (actual due dates are posted after each quiz) - I have set aside days and times - see office hours here for quiz retakes.
There will be two exams (see schedule ) and a cumulative 2-hour final exam (date, time, and location are determined by the university and will be announced sometime in October). Please speak to me soon if you will have a conflict or would need accomodation such as private space, extra time, etc (via Accessibility Services for Students).
Errors that are more than arithmetic error/ minor explanation error (where the partial points amount to less than 90%) must be discussed in person in my office.
They will consist of current and past topics. You are encouraged to work with others on these take-home problem sets, but it must be your own work. You are encouraged to meet with me to go over your work before you submit it.
If you can not find a study group, e-mail me so that I can help you get involved. I assume that you will be working in groups when I make up the assignments.
You will need access to HuskyCT lms.uconn.edu in order to complete WebAssign homework and view your grades in this course. If you do not have a NetID and password set up yet, please visit netid.uconn.edu to set yours up.
We will use technology to visualize and compute - you are encouraged to use them for all take-home assignments to aid your learning. No technology (including calculator and phone) may be used during in-class assemssments: quizzes, exams, and final.
Grades will be determined as follows:
WebAssign online homework | 0% |
take-home problem sets and other homework | 20% |
weekly quizzes | 20% |
exam 1 | 20% |
exam 2 | 20% |
final | 20% |
I will submit a (temporary) midterm grade report by October 6 (week 6) for grades lower than B-. For simplicity, I will not bother with +/- and the grades will be computed roughtly as follows:
Please let me know ASAP (but within one week) if I’ve made mistakes in grading your assessments. This should be done during office hours.
Strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol or drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating, or lack of motivation may affect a student’s academic performance or reduce a student’s ability to participate in daily activities. If you or someone you know expresses such health concerns or experiences a stressful event that can create barriers to learning, UConn services are available to assist you. Learn about confidential health services available on campus at counseling.uconn.edu Arjona Building, 4th floor, near Mirror Lake phone 860-486-4705. See also dos.uconn.edu/student-resources/.
If you see this sentence, please email me a fun picture of huskies.
The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) wants to ensure students with disabilities have the same access to programs, opportunities and activities as all others at UConn. If you think you have short-term or long-term disability, consider going to Accessibility Services for Students accessibility.uconn.edu/students/ or contacting CSD at 860-486-2020 or csd@uconn.edu for general information or to request a (confidential) student accommodation.
UConns Student Conduct Code community.uconn.edu/the-student-code includes both academic integrity and compliance with the policy against discrimination, harassment, and interpersonal violence.
It is in everyone’s best interest to maintain their academic integrity. Any form of academic dishonesty undermines the goals of our course and devalues the learning process. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at UConn and will result in an academic misconduct report and a failure in Math 1152Q. For more information, consult UConns guidelines for academic integrity: community.uconn.edu/the-student-code-appendix-a.
Unless stated otherwise, in this particular course (only this class - you should check with your professor for each class), you are free to work with other people and use technology (Desmos, WolframAlpha, the internet, etc) on take-home assigments to aid your learning. Whenever you work with another person or get help from a different book or the internet on a take-home assignment, please credit them - write the person’s name, website address at the top of your submission.