Instructions for taking notes while watching the linked videos by Federico Ardila.

Instructions for taking notes while reading the assigned pages:

Instructions for exercises:

Coxeter groups Part 1

Section 1.1 + examples

Take notes while watching videos:

Take notes while reading Bjorner Brenti:

Prepare to present to me:

Coxeter groups Part 2

Take notes while watching videos:

Take notes while reading Bjorner Brenti:

Prepare to present to me:

Research Part 1

Lecture notes from Mar del Plata 2016, Cluster algebra from surfaces

Take notes on:

Homework exercises after taking notes on section 3.1:

  1. Write down the sign functions of all the snake graphs with at most 4 tiles in Figure 3.2
  2. Draw all the snake graphs with 5 tiles. How many are there? Write down the sign functions of some of them.
  3. Represent the sign function by the signs of the south edge (of the first tile) and the interior edges and the north/east edge (of the last tile). Let the minus (-) sign be assigned to the south edge.
    • a. Draw the snake graph corresponding to sign function (-,-,-,-,-,-) and (-,+,+,+,+,+)
    • b. Draw the snake graph corresponding to sign function (-,+,-,+,-,+) and (+,-,+,-,+,-)
    • c. Draw the snake graph corresponding to sign function (-,+,+,-,-,-) and (-,-,-,+,+,+)

Homework exercises after taking notes on chapter 2:

  1. draw all the triangulations of the pentagon and draw the edges connecting each one.
  2. draw all the triangulations of the hexagon (there should be 14 triangulations) and draw the edges connecting each one. This forms a 3-dimensional polyhedron. Redraw this polyhedron so that it looks nice and symmetric. Count all the faces. How many of the faces have 3 sides, 4 sides, 5 sides, 6 sides?
  3. draw just several of the triangulations of the heptagon (there are 42 total, so you don’t need to draw all), and draw all the edges connecting them.

(No presentations for this part)

Research Part 2

Lecture notes from Mar del Plata 2016, Cluster algebra from surfaces

Take notes on:

Homework exercises

  1. Pick one of your triangulations of the heptagon, call it T1. Draw two arcs (call them gamma 1 and gamma 2) of the heptagon which cross T1. Draw snake graphs corresponding to gamma 1 and gamma 2, call them G1 and G2.
  2. Draw all the perfect matchings of the snake graphs G1 and G2. Follow the flip diagram (forming a lattice) on page 32. Another example of a flip diagram is Fig. 15 on page 29 of this paper Musiker-Schiffler-Williams: Bases for cluster algebras from surfaces - you can read this page and explanations related to the figure but don’t worry about understanding the entire paper.
  3. Use the perfect matchings above to compute the height and weight for the arcs gamma 1 and gamma 2.
  4. Draw two triangulations of an annulus with 2 marked points on the outer boundary and 2 marked points on the inner boundary. Pick one of them and call it T2. Draw two arcs (call them gamma 3 and gamma 4) of the heptagon which cross T2. Draw snake graphs corresponding to gamma 3 and gamma 4, call them G3 and G4.
  5. Draw all the perfect matchings of the snake graphs G3 and G4. Follow the flip diagrams on page 32.
  6. Use the perfect matchings above to compute the height and weight for the arcs gamma 3 and gamma 4.

(No presentations for this part)

Computing Part 1

Research Part 3

Tentative instruction:

Lecture notes from Mar del Plata 2016, Cluster algebra from surfaces

Take rough notes on Chapter 1 definition of cluster algebra. The most important parts are understanding the definition of clusters, seed, cluster variables, and being able to do quiver mutations. You don’t have to understand every single details and definitions.

Coxeter Group part 3

(Note: I should have assigned this along with Section 1.1 of Brojer Brenti because the free group concept was not covered in Abstract Algebra I)

Take notes while reading Sec 6.3 (A word on free groups) pg 215-220 of Dummit-Foote 3rd edition (I will print the pages for you).

Submit exercises 2, 4, 7.

Meeting Notes from meetings on Tues, Wed May 29-30, 2018.

Meeting Notes from Wed June 20, 2018

Meeting (Skype) Notes from Saturday July 7, 2018

Notes from (in person meeting) Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Notes from (in person meeting) Wed, July 18, 2018

Notes from (in person meeting) Wed, August 1, 2018

Notes from (in person meeting) Fri, August 3, 2018

Coxeter Group part 4 HW

Notes from virtual meeting August 14

Notes from in person meeting Friday August 24

Notes from in person meeting Tue Sept 4, 2018 and also Wed, Sept 19, 2018.

LaTeX and Tikz resources:

See more algebra/SageMath resources

An assortment of intro to cluster algebras notes and papers: