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Welcome to MATH 4210/5210: Abstract Algebra I, this Fall 2024!

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Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications, 2022 edition by Tom Judson (

Guide to writing mathematics

Review Discrete Structures

Other links


  • Mathematica and Wolfram Alpha Pro are available at no charge to UMass students. They are useful for solving technical problems, obtaining step-by-step solutions, and more. To get access, go to and enter your UMass email. Learn how to use Mathematica at

Other resources

Other algebra lecture notes or textbooks

Nathan Carter’s Visual Group Theory textbook PDF (free access with UML login) and errata

Interactive online course on transformations and symmetry

Wikiversity Intro to group theory

Dana Ernst’s open-source inquiry based Abstract Algebra

Keith Conrad’s expository papers (many are on algebra)

Algebra lecture videos and podcasts

Matt Macauley’s Algebra class at Clemson (with lecture videos recorded in 2010)

Podcasts which go along with the chapters in Visual Group Theory textbook

Writing proofs

Advice on Mathematica Writing by Keith Conrad

Examples of proofs by induction by K. Conrad

Articles about groups

Group Think by Steven Strogatz

Software resources:

Drawing Figures with LaTeX

A simple visual editor for writing diagrams and converting it to Tikz, try it out at

Misc Algebra resources

Joseph Gallian’s website containing many resources related to his textbook

Jobs requiring math skills

Math students, connect with prospective employers here: MAA Career Resource Center


Use CamScanner app or another scan app to scan your hand-written homework into PDF.

Writing about math

Living Proof Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey, edited by Allison K. Henrich, Emille D. Lawrence, Matthew A. Pons, and David G. Taylor