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Overleaf and LaTeX Guide
LaTeX tutorials on Overleaf
- Interactive Intro to LaTeX in slides: Part 1 basic, Part 2 structured documents and more, Part 3 creating Beamer slides, drawing with TikZ, tracked changes and comments with todonotes
- Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes in website format, also interactive
Other LaTeX resources
- You can ask questions about LaTeX at tex.stackexchange.com
- Detexify: detexify.kirelabs.org
Use LaTeX Offline
If you would like to download a LaTeX distribution and front-end/compiler to your laptop/desktop, try:
- for Macs: MacTeX (LaTeX distribution)
- for Windows: MiKTeX(LaTeX distribution) and TeXnicCenter (front-end/compiler)
- for Linux: TeX Live - Quick install will get you Texmaker; TeXstudio is similar